It's been forever since I posted - I thought I should at least put a link to my new portfolio.
Last semester I was enrolled in a web development class, but another one of life's little setbacks forced me to drop it. My goal of designing a website for myself had to wait - so in the meantime I decided to use one of the free portfolio websites. I looked at a few and decided I liked deviantArt's daportfolio. Their layout is clean and simple, and it's easy to use - great if you need a place to show your work (and you're short on time and money).
I'm still updating it as I finish new pieces, but you can click the link to check it out:
I still check up on my blog friends in my reader every so often, even though I don't get around to posting/commenting as much. I feel like such a lurker! Hope everyone's getting ready for a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday.