Lavender was my mom’s very favorite scent, although I don’t think she ever tried cooking with it. Americans don’t seem to be that into eating flowers. I’m interested in how much flowers appear in dishes around the world, though. In Mexico they make a drink from Hibiscus blossoms. On a visit to France we drank rose flavored lemonade – a delicious combination. Nasturtiums were used as a salad vegetable by the Incas and later were a popular salad ingredient throughout Europe. There’s a Moroccan custard made with orange blossoms. I’ve never had it, but if orange blossoms taste as good as they smell I’m sure I’d be crazy for it. One floral taste I wasn’t crazy about was a violet candy that’s popular in England – that one was a little too perfumy.
The lavender cream is exotic-tasting and fragrant but not too overwhelming. It tasted wonderful with the lemon cake, and I’ve heard it’s delicious with berries, too. If you’d like to try it, here’s the recipe:
1 ½ cups heavy cream
3 T honey
3 or 4 lavender buds (or more to equal 1T)
In a medium saucepan, bring ingredients just to a boil. Remove from heat and let steep 30 minutes. Strain and chill thoroughly, then whip into soft peaks.