Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tales of Anansi the Spider

 A while ago I created a cover and illustrations for a collection of Anansi tales by Bish Denham. I'm excited to learn that the Kindle edition of Anansi and Company: Retold Jamaican Tales is now available on Amazon.

Since I've been a reader of Bish's blog for some time, I already had wonderful impressions of the beauty of the Caribbean to inspire me. I also recall being introduced to the sly spider Anansi in elementary school, and enjoyed having the chance to read a whole collection of his adventures at one time.

The book is intended for middle grade readers, but I think younger children would enjoy hearing the stories read aloud. In addition to the colorfully retold folktales, Bish's  book includes a series of clever riddles (most of which I was not clever enough to solve).